

This is how pick-up trucks should look. My friend's brother-in-law took us to a cave on saturday night. While we waited for people to come and meet us, he found some puddles to play in with the truck. I loved it and laughed the whole time. Laura didn't like it so much and kept yelling his name. It was hilarious. The cave was awesome, unfortunately, I could not get a good pic from inside but it was huge and a great place for people to go and grafittize. I actually participated by writing: "Live 100% ARK." That is my life theme these days.

Other than just visiting and eating we did not do a whole lot in Idaho Falls. I did enjoy spending time with my old roommates. The drive went fast because I had Kerri to talk to.

My eye is really red. I am having a sub tomorrow and going to the eye doctor to get it looked at. Good times. NOT SO MUCH. I don't think it is pink eye because there is no puss. I am grateful for that but it is still a pain, literally and scary. I guess we will see what it is tomorrow. Enjoy the pic of my eye! :) I am taking a break from the novel today. It stresses my eye a bit and I will have time tomorrow to write more! :) I guess there is a good part of that! I do have over 13,000 words now though! Go Me!


Erin said...

I'm sorry you have an eye infection...I remember how awful those are! I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy! :-( I hope you feel better soon!

MBC said...

How's the eye? What did the doctor say?