

The eye is slowly getting less red. I hope the drops are working like they should. Funny thing about the drops. I was surprised that my eye wasn't getting better very quick. The funny part is that I was just putting drops in. Last night, I finally read the directions and I am supposed to put the drop in and not blink for two minutes. Yes, I was supposed to actually let the stuff have contact with my eye for a whole two minutes. Who would have thunk? Funny how somebody as literate as I am would neglect the written directions of my prescription. Sad!

The novel is coming along. I have been trying to write 500 more words than I should lately because I know that there will be days that I don't want to write. Thanksgiving break will be like that, for example. Also, the Carrie Underwood concert a week from today will probably be a day where I don't type. It seems to be going well. It is fiction. It is about a guy who just graduated from college in California and who goes partying with friends. He then kills one of his best friends in a drunk driving accident. It is about him dealing with this tragedy. It interesting. It is awesome how the words just roll off my fingers. I don't even know what I will write about most days. It just comes. Awesome.

I am tired. Life is busy with work and coaching and trying to exercise and write a novel. I guess it keeps me out of trouble or something.


BloggingBills said...

Rita honey,
I don't think it's geting much less red. Are you sure your 30 second visit to the dr. was a well spent 30 seconds? Do you need a second opinion? Like mine? Are you on an antibiotic?

Yer other ma in Sandy.

Elizabeth Peterson said...

That sounds like a good book. I am a lover of most things fiction so I hope I will be able to read it when you are done! Thanks for answering my comment about your book I am glad you know I am around. Unless you were answering somebody else. In that case I am feeling mighty silly right now. Are you checking out my blog?

Alice said...

I am checking out your blog. I am sad that you do not accept comments...I would totally comment on your posts! It is fun to be up to date with your life.