

OPAC stands for Operation Pass All Classes.  Today we started something new at our school and I am very excited for it, so you get to read about it.  Basically, during our Leadership class on Thursdays we now have each student assigned to a class that they are struggling with.  This means they go to that teacher and work on bringing their grades up instead of going to their Leadership class.  I had about six Health kids who I requested to come meet with me who were failing Health class.  Within about a half an hour, all six of these students had pulled their grades to Bs or better.  I thought that was pretty awesome.  

I hope we will be able to see a rise in our students passing all their class which in the end will mean there will be more students who actually graduate.  YIPEE!!!!

1 comment:

The Hunsakers said...

This is awesome. It is what the students there need. So often they were failing because of missed assignments that they never bother making up. It is a great idea to allow them to get this help when the teacher can focus on them. I wish we did that last year.