
Green Bay Times

Today it was snowing. I think it does that a lot around here seeing the snowbanks are about at my waist in most places. Some are so big that the mailboxes look as if they were meant to be held up by the snow. It is weird. So, Utahns, you cannot complain about the little snow you have had so far(yes I know some of you are going: "but we just got six inches the other day"). The total here in Green Bay is about 36" and that is just in December alone! Crazy. I am regretting not bringing boots along.

Many of you did not get the end of my story of my flying adventure. I did get on a flight to Green Bay, obviously. The little ticket counter lady was very nice to me. I thought I would just come here seeing my parents had planned on driving here today. I figured I saved myself a bus ride(the only way to get to Rhinelander last night was to get on a chartered bus) and a car ride. The total of all the driving would have been about five hours. It was a good deal to get on a GB flight seeing that many flights were booked. My aunt and uncle picked me up and took good care of me. I am even without clothes because my luggage went to Rhinelander without me. Apparently, the luggage would fit on the later flights just not the people. My aunt and uncle provided me with pajamas and I just wore the same clothes today. It as nice to have an easy choice when it came to what to wear today! Ha.

I got to surprise my grandma because she thought I would be with my parents today. (The parents have not gotten here btw. They decided not to brave the weather and drive.) I went with my uncle to take my grandma to get her hair done. When she was getting in the car, I said: "Hi, grandma!" Luckily, that did not startle her and she was delighted to see me. Her appointment was in Walmart so it was convenient for me to go and buy a few things that I needed, like deodorant and a few shirts.

My cousin also came to visit with her two kids today. I had a fun time coloring with them and playing. They are so very cute. Unfortunately, I do not have my camera cord so you will not be seeing any pictures until that gets here. I am glad to know where my suitcase is but am frustrated about all the stuff I do not have. Sigh, oh well.

By the way, Happy Christmas. I hope that the warmth of the holiday is settling into your soul. I hope you feel the love of God and how amazing the gift of His son truly is. I hope you know that I know Christ is the Savior and that I also know that he still lives. He not only was born for us but the greatness of his life and the gift of his death was for us. I know that life's journey is all about learning and drawing closer to our Creator through Christ. Please take a moment and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. I am saddened by the loss of that true meaning of Christmas. Some people might as well just call it Mas, because Christ is lost in all the presents, decorations, and food. I feel so blessed to know my Savior and to celebrate his birth at this time. I hope that all of you have a very merry Christmas and that you are surrounded by love and peace. Cheers!

1 comment:

MBC said...

Glad you finally made it out of the airport. Merry Christmas!