
Meet Gabby!

This is a picture of my cousin's daughter. She made me smile and laugh quite a lot in the last few days. When Shannon told Gabby that she had to get ready to go to Nana and Papa's to go see them and Alice, Gabby said: "Alice won't be there mom, she lives in wonderland and wears a blue shirt." Shannon convinced her that I would be there anyway and it was pretty funny when they arrived and I actually was wearing a blue shirt. Funny thing, it was the only shirt I had with me on the trip at that time. Cool that it was blue. The funnier part of this story was when Shannon was getting Gabby ready to leave Gabby said: "We can't leave mama, people will miss me." Shannon then asked who would miss her to which Gabby responded: "Nana, Papa and Wonderland." This is really the first time ever that I have not been offended by somebody refering to me as Alice in Wonderland because it was just so honest and cute and new. Wonderland is a great name. I may, in fact, legally change it. I won't even keep my last name either because of all the misspellings and I will just go by one name, Wonderland. I will be a part of the elite group of people who go by one name: Madonna, Jewel, Prince, Diddy, etc.

Another cute thing about Gabby is that when she was about one and was being explained the concept of Christmas, she decided that for Jesus' birthday there must be "happy cake." Each year my aunt and uncle buy a cake for Gabby so they can sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and blow out candles for him. I would think this were a weird tradition if the kids weren't involved but I highly enjoyed singing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus yesterday. Here is a picture of the cake:

It was funny to watch as Shannon's other kid, Thomas, tried to blow out the lighter every time Shannon tried to light the candles, which said 2008. We did not help matters by all laughing at him when he tried this. He thought he was pretty funny and kept blowing the candles and lighter out about four times. So cute! I had a lot of fun playing with those kids while being in Green Bay. Really, when it boils down to it, I am sure I was supposed to be in Green Bay early. I honestly believe you are always where you are supposed to be. I really enjoyed seeing my cousin and aunt and uncle and of course seeing my Grandma Rita. It as a nice experience to have them all to myself for a change seeing I usually am sharing them with other family. It was a fun experience.

Enjoy a picture of my cute grandma when I surprised her the other day when my uncle went to pick her up for a hair appointment. She is so cute. I just want to fold her up and carry her everywhere with me in my pocket. Okay, so that is a bit morbid but I would like that thought, if we really could fold people up and carry them everywhere with us.

And here is a picture of the snow across the street from my aunt and uncle's, it was very high:

Well, I am off to have the family Christmas party in a bit. It will be so awesome to see everybody. I like that Christmas gets to be about a week long and not just one day. Good times! Cheers.


dancinthan said...

Hi Wonderland,
It's a great name so I had to try it out!
I found my way to your blog through seester Andi's. It looks like you are the most faithful blogger of your clan. I personally have never blogged and have no clue where to start.
I love the picture of mom/grandma and saved it to my pics.
It was so good to see you at J&C's on Christmas. Hope you have a wonderful time in Wisconsin and wish you safe travels back to the brown Utah dresser. That's a great story! Talk about being where you're supposed to be. Does that work for objects, too? Well, maybe you can give me some hints on this blogging thing so we can keep up to date.
Happy New Year!
Aunt Cindy

dancinthan said...

check it out. I created a blog! Pretty good for an ole' dog to learn a new trick so quickly! It'll need some fine tuning, but I got the basics.