
It could be worse, I guess.

Tomorrow will mark the third time I have been to the doctor in the past three weeks(and the second year in a row that I have had a substitute teacher in the first week of school. SIGH!). I have had some cysts that have been bothering me. They were lanced last week but seem to have made a comeback this weekend.

I spent my weekend just lounging around, usually in my pjs, in front of the TV. It hurt to do anything else so I just did what made me not hurt. I watched three movies and lots of tv. Not a very exciting weekend and I only left the house to go on a very short walk today and then to go to the Redbox a few times.

School has been going well. Here is my favorite quote of the week: "My alligator hands have crooked teeth." This is in reference to how I explained to them how to catch a frisbee while playing Ultimate Frisbee. The girl who said this had a hard time catching the disc. I found what she said hilarious.

I like my students and the changes at the school have not been all that noticeable. I guess that means they are manageable. Here is to a great week!



Erin said...

Alice!I'm sorry you don't feel well. I hope that this time, the procedure did the trick and you are pain free very soon. :-)
I'm glad you like your students. :-) that makes going to school everyday soooo much easier.
Miss you tons!

The Green's said...

Hope you feel better soon. Are you sure you don't have boils? Sounds like you need to do some repentn' from your Wiscon"SIN" summer vacation. J/K :) Do feel better.

Alice said...

Funny Eric. Thanks for the care!