

Earlier this week, I got the recipe for what my Great Aunt Mickey called "Sneakers," from my dad. You and I would call them Snickerdoodles. They actually turned out fabulous. I had a little bit of a hard time trying to get the size right, but by the third cookie sheet, I had it down. Enjoy the pictures, while I enjoy the cookies! :)


joanna said...

oooh, is the recipe good? you should post the recipe. i love recipes!!

joanna said...

how many times can i say 'recipe' in one comment??? haha.

Elizabeth Peterson said...

Kenedy makes the best snickerdoodles! I am glad that I can get my kid to make me yummy treats.

MOM said...

I could even taste them when I saw the pictures. I should make some soon.

You got them so pretty.

Miss ya.

Love MOM