
Saturday IS a special day!

Hi all. I should have amazing pictures of the first Burger Friday of the school year to post but I did not bring my camera or even think to take pictures of the first ever Monthly Guitar Hero Party. Sad. I had about six people over after Red Robin to play and it really was a blast. We even got people who refused to sing at the beginning to eventually serenade us! :)

I really do have great friends, don't I?

Not much else to tell you today. I have been pretty much the laziest person on the planet today. I woke up late and then watched our flag football team (Independence High) get beat in overtime. I then came home and played Guitar Hero and watched some of my DVRed shows from the week. I am about to go and take a walk and then I am going to hit the grocery store. I figure I will go shopping while all the silly people are at the stadium watching the BYU football game. The city is crazy on game day! I may bake some cookies tonight. I was going to for the party last night but never got the motivation or time.

Hope you are having a fabulous weekend.

1 comment:

Moo said...

Glad that Guitar Hero was a success.