
I think I am going to start writing a social skills blog....

Post #1: Do not spit gum on sidewalks or floors. When in the tragic dilemma of having yucky gum in your mouth look all around. In most places, you will be less than fifty feet from a garbage can. Walk to garbage can and spit your gum out into it.

It does not make anybody happy to have gum on their shoe, even if it smells minty fresh!

There is the social skill that I taught my boys PE class today. I found fresh gum on the floor after the janitor had just washed it about an hour before. It got on my shoe and I was pissed!

I really get to teach such valuable lessons!


Elizabeth Peterson said...

I hate chewing gum. It drives me crazy when people are chomping gum in my ear. And it is the worst to step in nasty gum and getting it all over your shoe. That is a good valuable lesson to teach your kids!

Morgan Hagey said...

AND! Little kids think gum on the ground is a free-for-all snack.


Kirsten said...

one time i was in Guatemala and, i don't know how it happened, but a piece of gum flew into my chaco sandal between my shoe and my foot.. i had to walk home with it squishing in my foot.. it was unpleasant to say the least.