
Logan and Pumpkin Walk

I had a blast in Logan with my friend Alisha. We are hilarious when together. She is one of the few people in the world that I am very similar too.

It was fun to visit the temple, go searching for letterboxes, eat pizza at Factory Pizzeria, eat Aggie Ice Cream, go to Stake Conference, and go to The Pumpkin Walk. Good times.

Here are some of the funny quotes we had this weekend. I just think we are hilarious. Sorry if you don't find them as funny. We laughed and laughed.
1. Alice: "Maybe it is because I hang out with 25 year olds(referring to my 25 year old mentality)"
Alisha: "Yes it does! What does that mean?" (like I was insulting her maturity.)
2. Alice: "Oh no that bird almost got died." A bird had just flown in front of the car as I drove. My mind was very stressed by it obviously.
3. "...and she was a girl." Alisha said this about five times before starting a story about a friend of hers.
4. "I'm kinda proud of you." What Alisha heard when I said: "They are kinda rowdy."
5. Alice: "Staying would delay the envious." Lish: "No, the obvious." Actually, the inevitable. This discussion happened at about 11:30 last night when I said I didn't want to leave and Alisha suggested I stay.
6. Alisha: "Oh heavens." Alice hears: "All I want to do is sleep," and responds: "You should go to the Pumpkin Walk first."
7. Alisha: "We could go at five." (referring to Aggie Ice Cream). Alice: "But it won't be dark." (thinking Lish was talking about the Pumpkin Walk.)
8. Alice: "Street! Street!!!" Help Alisha drive because she almost drove right into the street without stopping.
9. Lish: "Sounds like a personal problem." Alice: "Yeah, you have a personal problem!" Lish: "Yeah, you are my personal problem!" Snap, roasted!
10. Alice: "What perfume are you wearing?" Lish: "Black Amethesis." She made up that name from Black Amethyst.
11. Alisha told me a story about suggesting her friend get some Stives for her dry skin. It is really called St. Ives.

I have never laughed so much. (well since the last time we had hung out, at least!) I even said that I had felt like I had just done 200 sit ups because of the way my stomach muscles hurt due to laughing. I am so lucky to have great friends and to be able to do fun things. Life really is good!

1 comment:

Morgan Hagey said...

you're cute. Can't wait to see you!