
Negativity Be Gone!!!

Me enjoying Parent Teacher Conferences!

Hi. I feel much better than the last time I blogged when I went on and on about negative stuff. I really have been in a funk the last few days.

What is up with that?

Well, today was much better. I seemed to enjoy many moments of the day.

Here is a list of positives in my life today:

1. A co-worker gave me a sheet that will work perfectly with my Halloween costume.
2. I sold two things via the internet. 49 dollars ain't to bad for twenty minutes of work.
3. I got many hugs today. I like hugs. I think people need to be hugged more often but we are just too afraid to offer or recieve hugs. What is wrong with us?
4. A kid was very close to the automatic air freshener in Janette's classroom today when it sprayed. It was hilarious to see the look on her face when it sprayed. Priceless.
5. Having MBC in my house when I woke up and got ready for work. It is nice to have her around, even if it may be a short stay!
6. Eating Hobnobs from the UK. (Thanks MBC)
7. Testing is over.
8. Watching Sportscenter
9. Having Parent Teacher Conferences. It was nice to meet parents and to have some fun with co-workers. I work with great people.
10. Working with great people who care about me and take care of me.
11. The sun made for a very pretty day.
12. Chatting with my friend, who lives in Logan, via IM during PT confernces.
13. Watching Glee during PT conferences.
14. Eating leftovers for lunch from an awesome dinner with friends last night!
15. Watching The Office. I think tonight was one of my favorite episodes so far! Also, having Janette over to watch and eat ice cream and brownies with. (Thanks Melanie for the brownies!)
16. Staying up late and playing Guitar Hero
17. Knowing tomorrow is Friday and heading to Logan tomorrow.
18. Going to sleep in my bed.

Good night!

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