
Testing SUCKS!!!

This is the week of crankiness for various reasons:
1. I don't feel very well. (my stomach has been weird.)
2. I am constantly tired. I think it is because I don't feel well.
3. There is state testing at our school this week. I am an administrator of testing. This is pretty much the real reason it is the week of crankiness but I didn't want to put it at the top of the test because that may send a bad message to all of the people who read my blog who think state testing is wonderful.
4. The economy stinks.
5. Nobody has made me a pie in a while.
6. Kids who ask to go to the bathroom in the middle of a test and then everybody all of the sudden feels like they also need to go!
7. I have run out of reasons and am going to make up one: my dog died.

Positivity is contagious. So would you be positive already people? I have tried so hard to be positive these days but this week is really trying me. I think I need a vacation. Of course, I just had a vacation. So what do I do now?

I realized that I sound pathetic right now. I will quite complaining and tighten my bootstraps. Oh wait I do not have boots or bootstraps. I am screwed.

Tonight, I get to have dinner with two of my favorite people on the planet. There is a positive for you. I also get to go to Logan this weekend and hang out with another one of my favorite people on the planet. Take that negativity.

I need to add a countdown to the concert sidebar. That would make me happy. I will now go and do that. You go and be positive would you...and then breathe on me or send it out into the universe for me. I will catch it...I am positive!


CassiLou said...

Shucks, Alice! You are awesome a list making! How'z that for being positive? You know you can follow Pollyanna and play, "The Glad Game."

I'll go first: I am glad that you are my friend. I really appreciate you being there at school and all that you do for our students and our faculty!

Morgan Hagey said...

You're having dinner with me tonight? I had no idea!

And, for the record, two weeks ago, I DID GIVE YOU PIE! REMEMBER??? REMEMBER?????

I love you.

Spencer said, "Hi Alice!" to ANOTHER white car today. How my boys love you. :)

J.B. said...

Aww, I was just telling my sister-in-law about the Pumpkin Walk. How I wish I could go. Enjoy it for me. Super 8 will be SUPER, for sure.