
Letterboxing: My New Hobby.

Fort Utah.
Fort Utah stamp in my letterboxing notebook and my personal stamp.

Sometimes I think to myself: "I have a lot of free time." I usually fill this time with mind numbing TV watching or Guitar Hero playing. Sometimes this makes me feel like a slacker and a loser, so I decided I should do more with my creativity. (Remind me to tell you about my novel writing that is coming up next month)

A wonderful friend of mine, Elizabeth, took her kids on a letterboxing adventure a few weeks back and I decided that it was way cool and I was going to try it. Basically, letterboxing is similar to geo caching but different. You are given clues in order to find a box. Inside the box, is a notebook and a stamp. The whole idea is to find a box and then leave your stamp (which you create) in the notebook that is in the box. You also take the letterbox stamp and put it in your own little notebook to keep track of what boxes you have found. You can find out more about letter boxing at this site.

I found my first letter box today at Fort Utah. It was very fun. Enjoy the pictures from the adventure. I included a pic of my own stamp. I am very fond and proud of it. You should be too.

Must sleep. Parent teacher conferences tomorrow.....LONG.DAY.

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