
A Lesson on Caffeine!

One of my students is brilliant. He found 15 dollars in some parking lot and decided it would be a good idea to spend 13 of it in a coffee shop before heading to school this morning. Here is a conversation we had in class:

Student: So, how much caffeine do you think I have had today? I had that iced coffee with three shots of espresso in it and I had some of those chocolate covered coffee beans.
Me: How many coffee beans did you have?
Student: I had that whole bag and now there are only like ten left.
Me: I bet about five of those beans would make a whole pot of coffee. You probably had about twenty. So you had about four pots of coffee and a iced coffee with espresso shots worth of caffeine.
Student: Whoa, that is a lot of caffeine. Could that be bad for your body?
Me: Uh yeah, caffeine is a stimulant so it makes you heart beat a lot faster and will make you jumpy. Do you feel a little bit jumpy and anxious?
Student(as he is tapping his fingers on the desk and rapidly tapping his foot on the floor): Yeah. I can't sit still, can we go play basketball or something?
Me: Uh, no this isn't PE.

Yeah, the kid got in trouble later in the day. I am sure he was even more hopped up on caffeine. Silly kid.

Here is another two conversations that I had with another student this week(he is hilarious and not even in any of my classes):

Student: Hey Alice, maybe Victor wants to date you.
Me: Yeah, here is my policy on dating students. Um NO and if you have ever walked the halls of Independence as a student that is a for sure no!
Student: Well there goes all my chances!

That was yesterday when I had that conversation with said student. This was one we had today:
Me: Man, this is one awesome apple(I was finishing my lunch on the way to class).
Student: I bet that is a good one. Watch out it will go right to your hips, Alice.
Me: Yeah, probably not this apple, but that potato and sour cream...yeah, right to my hips!

Funny. Sometimes I LOVE my students. Now is one of those times!

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