
Monday....need I say more?

I really want Thanksgiving Break to be here. But I know, just like the Kelly Clarkson Vegas weekend, it will come and go quickly and then I will have to have something else to look forward to. Is it usually hard for me to get through school this time of year? I know some of you know me better than I know myself and you see patterns in my life better than I do? What do you think?

Today was a good day. I gave a test in Health. It makes for an easy teaching day, but I always forget that when I give a test, I actually have to grade it later. SIGH. After school, we had a little baby shower for the wife of one of our teachers. There were some fabulous homemade Oreo cookies there. I had three, which I shouldn't have. I decided that I should only eat popcorn for dinner tonight because of that carb loading decision.

Tonight, I had big plans for getting caught up on some TV but when I tried to, I fell asleep on the couch. I have been doing that a lot lately. I cannot figure out why I am doing this! It is weird. Maybe it is the start of winter sleeping on the couch Alice.

Now, I really want to play some Band Hero(it is made by the same people who make Guitar Hero) but I also think I should grade some papers. Maybe those papers will have to wait until tomorrow. Life is so hard sometimes. I also could finish House seeing I fell asleep watching it earlier. These are my hard life decisions. I am kinda thankful my life is so uncomplicated.


1 comment:

BloggingBills said...

I say we're all over tired these days cuz it's dark so much of the time! We go to work in the dark, we come home in the dark...Give me a break. Did I mention tht I hate winter. Dark and cold, two things I could do without! The weekend's almost here. Hang in there!