
Dear Alice...

Dear Past Alice:
Please remember to close the fridge after getting the ingredients out for your wonderful breakfast. Today you did not and I had to throw away a lot of yummy food. I know it is hard when it is so early in the morning, but please do this one small thing so that future Alice will not have to go shopping which made for a very stressful night because it was added to the thousand of other things she had to do!

Future Alice


Morgan Hagey said...

Dear Alice,
That is a HUGE bummer.

Present Morgan

Alice said...

I think it is kharma for the dirty dirty gambling money!

BloggingBills said...

Dear future Alice,
Please tell Future Kent to do the same thing (sort of) and put his uneaten yogurt back in the fridge when he gets home from work and not leave it in his lunchbox for 24 hours cuz then it has to be chucked because on top of good cultures, there are nasty cultures growing and well.....