

This week I feel kind of like I am coasting to get to my four day weekend. I am a complete slacker when it comes to working lately. I am doing a lot of flying by the seat of my pants when it comes to lesson planning and I refuse to grade anything. Bad, bad Alice! I am even showing a video in Health tomorrow. Slacker!

I am living for the weekend this week. I am so excited to go down to Las Vegas on Thursday night. I am going to love lounging around and playing with the cute nephews. I look forward to good food and good company. I sure do love my little Vegas family. I just wanted to tell you all.

What else? That is pretty much it. Is it Thursday night, yet?

Oh...I did win 10 dollars in a Superbowl pool. Dirty, Dirty gambling money. It is evil and burning a hole in my wallet. I might just have to put said money in the slots at the airport while in Vegas. I have a feeling dirty, dirty gambling money only multiplies creating even more guilt. Hmmm.....

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