
Your Questions Answered

Thanks to those of you who actually played my wonderful game. If any of you think of any other questions to ask please leave a comment and I will definitely answer them.

1. Would you rather NEVER eat ice cream again or ONLY eat ice cream forever?
That is one tough question. I would have to say never eat ice cream again. I think I would get sick of it to be honest, and I really do enjoy a variety of foods.

2. What was your first impression of me? (Elizabeth, there will be no taking back of questions, even if you think they are silly)
I don't have much of a memory so I really don't remember my first impression. I do know how I currently feel about you and I totally think you are one heck of a mother and a super cool woman. Thanks for being a great friend and a great example!

3. Give some more of your conversion story.
I think you have heard most of the story. You should know that I feel like I am still going through the process of conversion. I feel like Heavenly Father continues to give me light and truth. I love that about revelation. I feel so blessed to have a Heavenly Father who loves me enough to guide and direct me, even in the small stuff.

4. Do you still feel that you could marry any righteous person and be content? How do you feel about love and "chemistry?"
I totally feel I can marry any righteous person and be happy. The older I get the less picky I become about looks and a few other things. I do realize I must find a Mormon boy because I am just too weird for a non-Mormon boy. Excuse me MAN. I think there is a difference between chemistry and love. Chemistry is something exciting and it does help attract people to each other. Love is something that is completely different. You totally can love somebody and there be absolutely no chemistry. I also do believe, that the more you start to love and connect with somebody that chemistry can actually be developed. I think men worry more about chemistry than women. Women totally have an easier time being more and more attracted to a man as they begin to love them.

5. Am I too late for questions?
Nope. You totally made it MBC. Thanks for the questions they are good and you added so many of them!

6. What was your last date? Who was the man? Where did you go? Did you like it?
My last date was with a man named Dave. We went and saw The Blindside and then ate some food at Wingers. I did like the date. The movie was awesome and the company before the movie was awesome. Unfortunately, the company was not so good while eating and I haven't heard from him since. That was way back in December.

7. What is your favorite dessert? Why?
I love dessert. I love those wonderful little mini pecan pie things you used to make me. Those were wonderful. Pie is awesome. I think apple is my favorite warm with ice cream on top. My mom also makes some mean blueberry pie. Lately, my dessert is usually a 100 calorie hostess cupcake pack or a two point cup of Weight Watchers ice cream.

8. What's your favorite thing about living alone? What's the worst?

My favorite thing about living alone is that I am in charge of everything. I choose when I can watch TV or not clean. The worst thing is when I am a little lonely and coming home to the quiet is hard!

9. Is what you're doing with your life right now exactly what you want to be doing? If not, what would you do if you had no limits?
I LOVE my job. I have been back and forth about going back to school and getting a masters degree in Journalism. Lately, I have been thinking about getting a masters in school counseling. I may actually do that in the near future, but I still have to research it. If there were absolutely no limits, I would be off traveling the world. I also have this crazy dream that I could write Kelly Clarkson's Biography. Basically, I would like to write a lot of celebrity's books. I am a major geek and totally would become a KC roadie and follow her on tour. Maybe I would buy a VW Bus and drive it around from city to city! I would love to take an extremely long road trip. This answer was completely random!

10. What's your favorite book? Why?
I have a horrible memory and this causes me to forget almost every single book that I have read. Here are a few that have impacted my life: The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien. Freakonomics by Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt. And of course, Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series. Here are the whys: O'Brien's book helped me figure my dad out just a little bit and his craziness because of Vietnam. Freakonomics made me think, a lot. I even, for one little moment, thought abortion was a terrific idea. The Twilight Series is just fun reading for me. The third one has taken me forever to get through, but I am liking it more and more.

11. Why are chocolate-covered cinnamon bears so delicious?
This is due to a little thing called magic.

12. If you went back 10 years ago and gave yourself a piece of advice, what would it be?
I would tell the 22 year old Alice to quit making it a big deal to be single. Life is not about your relationship status. Get out and have more fun and follow your heart more and worry less about it because you are wasting time. I would also tell her to be better with money and start saving for fabulous trips to tropical islands. I would also tell her to stick with the first car you buy for a very long time. Paying off two cars has been one silly ride. But this month will be the final payment...YIPEE.

That was fun. If you were inspired by any of these questions to ask anymore please feel free to comment or send me an email! Thanks for being great friends and family!


Morgan Hagey said...

Thanks for answering my question. I think I'd have to say the same.

BloggingBills said...

I enjoyed reading this post. I got a few more insights into what makes Alice so totally terrific! And as you know, I'm a big fan of the School Counselor idea! Love ya!

J.B. said...

I am so grateful for the magic of chocolate covered cinnamon bears. I wish 22 year old Alice had kept the money for you to come visit Dominica. I also support the school counselor idea. The end.

Elizabeth Peterson said...

Thats not fair! I deleted my first comment so how did you even see it? I feel so used and abused..sob sob. Just kidding. I did feel silly with that question but nobody out there knows me so its all good. I think you are an amazing person and while I also don't remember my first impression of you, I have lots and lots of fun memories hanging out with you and making each other laugh. You were a very big bright spot in my first year at Ricks and it really did break my heart that you left after that one year! Love you!!!!