
Writing Wednesday: Haikus

So.  Here I am in the middle of a stay at home and it is weird.  Do you ever sit back at some point in every day of this and say "This is weird?"  If you don't, please send me all your secrets.  If you do, just know you are normal and we are in this together.  Like all things "this too shall pass."  It may seem like an eternity, but in few months(fingers crossed), we will look back at this time and laugh. Or cry, or whatever.

I am trying very hard to be in the moment and to enjoy the time.  Yes, I have a lot of things I miss, like my students and coworkers, and mainly routine, but I also have a lot of things that are very nice.  Like sleeping longer, and having more time with my kids(sure, sometimes this is very hard, but mostly it is way fun, and I get lots more mommy cuddle moments)

I have been writing lots of haikus lately.  They are quick little poems with a 5 syllable, 7 syllable, 5 syllable pattern.  Usually, they are about nature and beauty, but I bend the rules on occasion.  Or often, whatever.

So here are a few of my favorites:

Honey Badger inspired Haikus

1. Whose honey is this?
Never a honey badger's
He's always stealing.

2. Bernie the Badger
Surely not a socialist
But just as ruthless.

3. The Honey Badger
Doesn't ever make his bed
Doesn't give a s**t

Day Dreaming

Dreaming of dreaming
Some things are overrated
Sleep not being one.

T-Rex Inspired Haikus

1. T-Rex hates push-ups
His arms are just too little
No Army for him.

2. T-Rex hates push-ups
Tiny, tiny hands, long snout
No exercise please.

COVID19 Inspired

1. Corona Virus
Cancel, cancel everything
You're ruining my life

2. With Covid19
No baseball or basketball
What will I do now?

With Covid19
No toilet paper or food
Good!  They correlate!

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