
Blood-Sucking Thirsty Thursday

 Thirsty-Thursdays are a place to talk all things thirst. Thirst can be actual, physical thirst and direct us to the subject of tasty drinks, but it can also drive us toward a mental thirst, the thirst for information.

 This piece is the first of a five-part series dedicated to Halloween.  It is October, afterall, and why not celebrate all month long?   We all especially need some Halloween celebration this crazy year!

“Blood thirsty, blood suckers” is a very appropriate subject to start this holiday series. (And I am not even talking about the two blood-sucking schmoes running for the highest office in the land.)

Secret confession here: I actually get more excited about Halloween than I do about  Christmas.  There, I said it.  Orange and black run in my blood just as strong as Packer green and gold does.  My decorations have been up for weeks and it has just turned October.  I just love this season.  Fall colors, cool crisp air, pumpkins, and the undead are really things that get me going.

Speaking of thirsty, bloodsuckers are always thirsty.  You know, vampires. You’ve heard of them, right?  I’m sure you have a favorite vampire and I hope it isn’t Edward. (Twilight fans don’t quit reading, I was mildly joking.  There is a place for Edward, but let’s start a little more classical and traditional.)  

For centuries, there have been myths of vampires and all the things that these undead beings do. In the Middle Ages, oral tradition passed on ideas about the undead creatures that would roam around during the middle of the night and suck their victims’ blood.  The plague of the mid 1300s only added to this mythology, because people who had the plague would often start bleeding from their mouths. The people of that era were so worried about the dead actually being undead that they dug up the graves of suspected vampires and stabbed them with wooden stakes, hence the modern ideas about how one would kill a vampire.

But is the idea of vampires just all myth and folklore?  There are actually real groups of people today who do label themselves vampires.  They may not actually be going out and killing people (at least let’s hope not) but they are actually drinking real human blood for perceived “health benefits.” 

Let’s pretend I didn’t say anything about real life vampires and get to the top five most famous vampires.  (Of course, these are the five most famous to me and are in no particular order).  

Count Von Count

Picture found here: https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-19409960

Counting along with Count Von Count was one of my favorite childhood memories. Sesame Street was a daily tradition in my house and The Count was certainly a favorite character. 

“One. One Bat. Two bats. Ha Ha Ha.”

Count Chocula

Photo found here: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/84953/elect-your-favorite-cereal-monst

Besides the delicious candy from a good trick-or-treat outing, this tasty treat from this popular trio was a special indulgence around Halloween. As a kid, I didn’t get sugary cereal too often, so this was a cherished celebration!

Count Dracula

Photo found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Count_Dracula

Probably the most famous and actually the first fictionalized vampire, Count Dracula appeared in the famous Bram Stoker novel entitled Dracula in 1897.  Dracula is considered to be the example from which all modern fictional vampires originate.  From his cape to his incisors, he is the ultimate vampire blueprint. 

Edward Cullen

Photo found here: https://www.philstar.com/lifestyle/arts-and-culture/2020/05/05/2011960/midnight-sun-new-twilight-book-12-years-retold-edwards-pov

You’re welcome, Twilight fans.  I highly enjoyed reading this trilogy and cannot wait to read Midnight Sun which gives us the story from Edward’s perspective.  Although I feel this story is majorly cheesy and the acting in the movies was a bit subpar, I too, like millions of teenage girls, fell in love with the story and with this particular vampire. Oh to have a smokin’ hot vampire fall in love with me and agree to make me a vampire, truly making our love immortal...mythical magic dream come true.



Photo found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grandpa_(The_Munsters)#:~:text=Grandpa%20is%20a%20fictional%20character,Grandpa%20is%20an%20undead%20vampire.

My brother and I watched The Munsters reruns together most days after school.  It was one of the only shows we could agree on, and I am sure it was either followed or preceded by The Addams Family.  Grandpa’s humor, cool old classic car, and the fact that he slept in a coffin were all endearing characteristics.  Also, who doesn’t love a show with a family filled with  vampires, a werewolf, a normal girl who looked like Marilyn Monroe, and a Frankenstein?

If you happen to be thirsty for more information on vampires, here are a few sites that I found interesting:




If you are thirsty for more counting with Count Von Count, here is a good list of videos on Youtube:


May you fill October with all things undead and be sure to include some vampires in your Halloween watch lists.  But run if you hear, “I want to suck your blood!”

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