
Paparazzi, Pickles and Pom Poms!

(click on the pictures to see them bigger and with captions!)

Okay, so this blog will probably not have anything to do with pickles or Pom Poms, but I am sure I need to talk about the Paparazzi for a moment, just because it is a great subject to talk about. At one time, because I am a complete lamo who has no life and likes to live vicariously through celebrities' lives, I thought I would like to be a member of the Paparazzi. I thought it would be cool to hang out around Hollywood and take pictures of the stars. But in reality, I have realized how stupid the whole idea of the Paparazzi is. They are basically really well paid stalkers. And stalkers are kinda creepy. It would be infuriating to have somebody sit across the street from your house waiting for you to go outside. It might just start to feel like you are, in fact, a prisoner in your own home. Getting the mail would even be subject for their fodder. They would say something like: "Look, Alice is just like the rest of us, she checks her mail." Then, if you were to go anywhere, they would chase you around and cause to you have accidents. That would be scary. I do not think I want to be a member of that society.

One of my friends, Ice, mentioned how she keeps her social life just like celebrities do with the Paparazzi, and I really feel this is something that is truly important. Actually, I think she picked up this terminology from me last year, but I am flattered that she uses it as if it were her own. See, to use this philosophy in your own life, you just don't make any comments to people in your social sphere about your social life...in particular you dating life. If there is anything going on, you just keep it to yourself. That way, if things don't work out, nobody is disappointed...except for you really. I wish I would have been better at doing this in the past, but I am not good at it yet. Hopefully, one day I will be able to practice this skill, but as usual I am not holding my breath. Just trying to be patient and wait for prince charming to ride up on his black stallion. Actually, I am being so patient that if her were to hobble up on crutches and only be semi-charming, I might just give him a chance. It is kinda funny how the older I get; the less picky I get. Not to say that there are not nice guys around, it is just they are usually not finding me. So, bald....hey, ask...I will say yes. Chunky...yes. Older...yes. Shorter....hmmm, still debatable....hehe.

Well, today was an adventure as always. The kids at the alternative high school always make life interesting. Today, I had the opportunity to teach a few kids a life lesson. Basically, it was the lesson that if you change your mind quickly while making a bad decision, you may not get in as much trouble as you could have. Two boys were trying to escape school via the fence leading to the park next store, when I spotted them. I said loudly to them: "Gentlemen, I see you trying to sneak of campus and I am giving you a change to make the right decision and come back over the fence and go to class." One of the boys I did not see and could have made a break for it. The other was just behind the fence and stood still debating whether or not to take my advice. Slowly, he came back and so did his buddy. I figured they would make their way to class, but I later checked with our Vice Principal and sure enough they never made it back to class. They probably went right over the fence again after I had gone back into the school and now they will be in lots more trouble than if they had just gone back to class. Poor, poor souls.

Other than the busting of the truants it was a pretty okay day at Independence High School. I gave a test in Health, which is always my favorite thing to do. (Until, I remember that I have to grade them!)

I went for a fabulous bike ride in the canyon again. The leaves are starting to change along the bike trail now. Have I mentioned that I love the fall? There are a few pictures of my journey for you to enjoy. (Megan, the one with me and my bike is going to be the engagement picture. I am going to marry that bike. What state would that be legal in?) I also took a picture of my big light up pumpkin, which is one of my favorite possessions. It is also handy because I do not have a porch light that works, so Mr. Pumpkin lights the way for me in the dark. Don't worry Mom, I don't live in the ghetto!

Well, Remember the Titans and have a superb day/night!

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