
Kids are awesome...and Krazy!

When you think about sitting in the library, you might think of a very quiety and sterile place. Oh, this is not so on the first floor of the Provo City Library. It is a happening place. There are people looking for books, and surfing the internet. And then there are the fun little people that frequent the library. They are here to get some books, and maybe a movie or two...and aparently today they are here to make friends. There is one little girl about three years old who says "hi" to everybody who she sees. She also asked me if I was the mom of another little girl. Very curious and always trying to make connections these little people. Her little brother is in a stroller and he also greeted me and gave me an air "pound it."

I like kids. They like you even before they meet you. I wish more people would be like that. I wish I could be that kind of a person.

I think my manic stage has worn off today. For some reason, I am just not feeling it today. I am tired and all the sudden cranky and lonely. I feel like it is raining in my soul. Like nobody cares or something. Now, please realize friends that this is normal for me and it isn't like I actually ever buy into these feelings. I just think something is different today...and I don't like it.

But, my mom called me today and that always makes life better, doesn't it? I also got my laundry done and got to go eat pizza for lunch. All good things.

Well, before this is too depressing I will close. Leave a comment or something. That may brighten my days.


Anonymous said...

You wrote this the day of The Office premiere and didn't feel uncontrollable joy springing up in your heart from the anticipation?

Alice said...

Well, that was there...but it was hidden behind the dreariness of some hidden darkness of some hidden non-light...but The Office premiere seemed to make things all better...oh and your comment! :) Thanks for it.