
Saturday really is a Special Day!

Well, here I am at the library. It is a great place to hang out, although it is sometimes hard to remain invisible here. For some reason, a special patron decided to sit across from me and start telling me stories about falling from a window at a bar. Do I really look like a nice person, whom you should strike up conversations with? I didn't think so. It would seem really mean to just get up and unplug my computer and go somewhere else in the library, so I am going to do my best to ignore him and hopefully he will leave me alone and think I am invisible again. Maybe I should dedicate this blog to all of the librarians everywhere who have to deal with "interesting" people each and everyday of their working lives.

I think I can tie my mood to the weather these days. In my last post I mentioned that my manic stage had halted. Well, that was while it got warm and sunny again. Now, it is dreary and chilly and I am happy again. I really like it when it rains. It just brings excitement to my soul. Maybe I have been ruined by my upbringing in Wisconsin where it rains every other day during the summer. Who knows. But I am glad to be happy again. Maybe I should go to a psychologist. Maybe not!

Today is a good day. I slept until 10:30 which was very needed because I have been getting very little sleep the past week. After waking, I made myself a great egg breakfast flanked with turkey bacon, toast and limeade. Very wonderful. It was made even more wonderful because I ate in in front of the TV while watching football. What is happening to Notre Dame this year, by the way?

I also managed to get motivated enough to unpack two boxes. I am very much a slacker because I have lived in my new place for over a month now and hadn't, until today, gotten enough energy to touch any of the boxes sitting in my kitchen. So, that is an accomplishment!

Now, I am here in the library with the crazies. Wait, does that mean I am a crazy? I didn't think so. In a few short minutes, I will be heading home and enjoying the Wisconsin game. That is if it isn't blacked out in my area. That would be sad, but maybe good because I would then probably be motivated to unpack more boxes and/or grade some of the hundreds of papers I brought home that need to be graded!

Good times ahead.

Well, enjoy your weekend. I really think we should switch to the 5 day weekend and two day work week. I would be a happy camper for sure!



Anonymous said...

where do I sign up for the 5 day weekend, 2 day work week?

Alice said...

I think it is right next to the list you sign up on in order to never pay taxes again! :) I have a five day weekend next weekend! ahah....I love fall break!